Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Day 5

This is a picture I took of the rose in my garden this afternoon. It has nothing do to with local food, but it's pretty isn't it?

Dinner last night was leftovers from the night before. How nice not to have to cook an elaborate meal! The eggplant was just as delicious as the night before, and no work required!

Breakfast was a cup of tea with "yogurt," peaches and the last of the blueberries. I can't wait to try and make yogurt again! For lunch I came home and boiled some potatoes and had them with cheese, salt, and pepper. Boring, but still good.

For dinner I made hash browns and omelets. The hash browns turned out pretty good considering I've never made them before. The secret I think is lots of butter! I used purple potatoes, and a few reds and yellows from the mixed 5lb bag I bought on Saturday at the farmers market. The omelets were vegetable (zucchini, broccoli, and green pepper) and cheese. I'm not usually good at flipping omelets, but I did pretty well this time! Johnny made his own with sausage added. He used up the last of the non-local eggs we had in the fridge. I was amazed at the difference in the color between my farmer's market eggs and his store bought ones - I'm not sure if you can see it, but his is the paler one on the right. It all definitely tasted good. I got a bunch of over ripe tomatoes for free from work and diced a few of them over the top of my meal. Fresh ketchup!

Still no word on the wheat. I'll have to call the farmer in Southern Humboldt tomorrow. It's possible that I could go pick some up this weekend....mmm...bread..... I really appreciate in a whole new way the importance of bread in my diet. It's the ultimate convenience food!

1 comment:

OstaraGypsy said...

come get some eggs!
i have at least a dozen saved up for you. Muffin (the Blue Swede duck) started laying. Her first egg was this HUGE light bluish tinted egg. i haven't seen another from her. maybe tomorrow...
i will be in arcata friday & saturday at work....
your omlets look good :)